【レポート】「ルイーズ・ブルジョワ展:地獄から帰ってきたところ 言っとくけど、素晴らしかったわ」森美術館

Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.

【レポート】「ルイーズ・ブルジョワ展:地獄から帰ってきたところ 言っとくけど、素晴らしかったわ」森美術館





Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.


Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.


Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.



Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.
Installation view Louise Bourgeois:I have been to hell and back.And let me tell you it was wonderful.Mori Art Museum,Tokyo,2024
ⒸThe Easton Foundation/Licensed by JASPAR,Tokyo,and VAGA at Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York,2024.



「ルイーズ・ブルジョワ展:地獄から帰ってきたところ 言っとくけど、素晴らしかったわ」

  • 会期:2024.9.25(水)~ 2025.1.19(日)
  • 会期中無休
  • 開館時間:10:00~22:00 ※火曜日のみ17:00まで ※ただし、2024.9.27(金)・9.28(土)は23:00まで、10.23(水)は17:00まで、12.24(火)・12.31(火)は22:00まで ※最終入館は閉館時間の30分前まで
  • 会場:森美術館(六本木ヒルズ森タワー53階)
  • 料金:[平日]一般 2,000円、[土・日・休日]一般 2,200円 など
  • ホームぺージ:https://www.mori.art.museum/jp/exhibitions/bourgeois/
  • 問い合わせ:050-5541-8600(ハローダイヤル)
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